1. Use Paid Advertising
Not all of your followers will see the content you post; even if they do, your reach is limited to the number of people following you. Paid advertising is important in social media because it helps widen your reach and target the right audience. You can drive traffic to your website if you promote one or two of your blog posts each month on your social media channels.
2. Share Every Website Blog Post to Your Personal Profile and Relevant Groups
Often, your personal profile will have more followers than your company’s account. If this is the case, sharing your blog posts to your personal account might be a good idea. There are many ways to share this content on your personal account including tagging, direct messaging, or looping it into groups.
3. Think Mobile First
Most people seeing your content are looking at it from their cell phones. Therefore, it is crucial to have all your content tailored appropriately for smaller screens. Intricate detail and small text are just a few elements you should avoid when creating content for mobile devices. The most important thing to remember is to optimize your blog content for mobile.
4. Pay Attention to the Headlines
The Content Marketing Institute reported that 80% of people who see your social media post will not go past the headline. In order to get the desired response out of your viewers, it is crucial to create an intriguing headline that makes them want to click into your blog post.
5. Use the Text Portion Wisely
The text portion of your post should serve as a short teaser to the content within your blog post. The beginning of the text section is the most important part if you want to engage with your audience.
6. Be Selective With Images
Images catch the attention of your audience. It is important to select an image that will spark an emotion within your audience before they even read one word. Although eye-catching images are important, your images must also be relevant to your content.
7. Test Different Versions of Blog Post Shares
Split testing blog posts is one of the best ways to identify your audience’s preferences. You can tell what type of post, image, or headline resonates the most with your viewers.
8. Repurpose to Post Regularly
It is important to post frequently because the more you post, the more people will see it. Mixing up your content is a great way to keep it interesting and relevant to your audience. Reposting your blogs with different images is one way to repurpose quality content.
9. Review Your Social Media Insights Data
Analyzing your social media insights is the best way to determine what type of content is working and what is not. Some data to remember is what time of day or day of the week your content performs the best.
Read more about integrating social media and your website at promomarketing.com