foerstel + piper + martin

a tiny dish

Artist Kimberly Burke crafts these miniature meals that look so lifelike you’d be forgiven for thinking they were made of real food! She explains:

“I love miniatures because it gives you a sense of being able to control a large part of the world in a small contained space. Food is especially dear to me since it’s universally relatable and there are so many different colors and textures to try to replicate.”

Working with clay at a scale of 1:12, where one inch equals 12 inches, the artist pays particular attention to detail. Burke uses shading techniques to create the textural appearance of real food and the results, well…..look good enough to eat!
In a recent series, Burke explores the ‘less-palatable’ side of food, sculpting dishes of decay. To see more of her work, visit

[via bored panda]

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