celebrating bike month: portability

In most cities, biking is a wonderful form of commuting. However, one minute you can be riding your beautiful vintage bicycle to the market and the next minute you’re schlepping the 35 lbs. of metal and rubber down an escalator, squeezing through an entry bar while swiping your card and finally begging forgiveness from your fellow passengers as you maneuver your way into the subway car. Quite the feat considering the bulging backpack of groceries you’re also carrying. At this moment you realize you need something more portable, collapsible and lightweight.
As part of our Bike Month Series, we’d like to introduce to you some collapsible bicycles. Although some of the concept designs are quite hilarious, we think you’ll agree they’re all practical for the urban dweller or even the adventure seeker.




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Tom Foerstel : Founder & President

Tom Foerstel

Founder & President

Growing up in the San Francisco Bay Area in the 60’s, Tom developed a strong desire to create positive change for people and planet.

He went on to pursue his passion for art and design at Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California, and worked for design firms in Southern California before moving to Boise, Idaho in the early 80’s. Foerstel Design opened its doors in 1985. Since its inception, the firm has cultivated a bold, happy, forward-looking team focussed on creating distinct and effective work on behalf of their clients.

An integral part of Tom’s philosophy is giving back to the community in which he lives — a company cornerstone that drives Foerstel’s long history of providing pro-bono services to local non-profit humanitarian and arts programs.

One of Tom’s proudest personal achievements is his ability to say Supercalifragilisticexpyalidocious backwards.