earth day every day – part 2

Yeah, yeah… we know that Earth Day was yesterday but so continues our list of things we do to make Earth Day EVERY day!
Kim & Jim recycle at home and work.
Marie buys organic milk from a local company that delivers it  in returnable/reusable containers, is using 100% recycled paper and organic materials to make her own paper stationery, digs through the trash before it goes to the dumpster and removes any and all recyclable items (her family is still in training), and  put cows on their newly acquired field to mow down the broadleaf foliage instead of spraying with weed and feed.
Laura pulls her weeds instead of using chemicals.
Jeff has double-flush toilets.
Debbie, Linda & Kim use reusable cloth bags when they go grocery shopping and all are organic gardeners.
Mark turns off the water when brushing his teeth, prefers to drive with the windows down instead of running the AC (same goes for his house), waters the lawn early in the morning to maximize efficiency and minimize use and recycles jokes as often as possible.
Holly grows her own vegetables, doesn’t use plastic, upcycles, downcycles and of course, recycles.

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Tom Foerstel : Founder & President

Tom Foerstel

Founder & President

Growing up in the San Francisco Bay Area in the 60’s, Tom developed a strong desire to create positive change for people and planet.

He went on to pursue his passion for art and design at Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California, and worked for design firms in Southern California before moving to Boise, Idaho in the early 80’s. Foerstel Design opened its doors in 1985. Since its inception, the firm has cultivated a bold, happy, forward-looking team focussed on creating distinct and effective work on behalf of their clients.

An integral part of Tom’s philosophy is giving back to the community in which he lives — a company cornerstone that drives Foerstel’s long history of providing pro-bono services to local non-profit humanitarian and arts programs.

One of Tom’s proudest personal achievements is his ability to say Supercalifragilisticexpyalidocious backwards.