foerstel + piper + martin

Lisa’s for real

11-1227_updatedBroccoli_webThere really is a Lisa. She really does grow organic vegetables in her own garden. She actually cooks them in her own kitchen, and makes special sauces with her own special recipes. Whole Foods was interested, as were many other retailers and all of a sudden Lisa had a real business and needed a real package design! She now goes by Lisa’s Organics.
Today you can see the results of our work with Lisa in just about every natural foods store, and Lisa is really happy! So, like Lisa would say….

Eat your organic veggies!
Lisa’s Organics delivers the freshness of the farmer’s market and a way to serve a delicious hot meal in just 5 minutes. With five different blends to choose from, your family will enjoy having options for a home-cooked meal.
Our vegetables are grown exclusively in certified organic soils right here in the USA and Canada. We wash and freeze the vegetables the same day they’re harvested at the peak of freshness, then add our special sauce “chips” to the bag so the veggies and sauce stay separate until you cook them. The taste is delicious, you won’t believe how fast you’ll see vegetables disappear from the dinner table!”

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