
Enjoy a collection of musings, deep thoughts and good times from our crew here at Foerstel.

Develop a Brand Message Your brand message should outline your mission, values, and positioning. Your brand message should be what helps you position yourself against your competition. Your goal should be to create a brand message that is memorable and clear. In addition, outline your brand’s best qualities and benefits

Use Trustworthy Visuals How your website looks matters. It is proven that websites with a strong design are shown to positively affect consumers’ purchasing decisions and overall trust in your business. Several different factors play into making your website look trustworthy, including: Professional graphics, colors, and fonts Matching visuals with

Brand Awareness Comes From Good Storytelling Consumers are constantly bombarded with messaging from brands left and right. Because of the highly saturated nature of advertising, businesses need to do whatever they can to make their brand stand out. Storytelling is a great method for brands to use to grab consumers’

Embracing Artificial Intelligence Artificial intelligence is quickly becoming a significant player in the digital marketing space. One of the major benefits of implementing artificial intelligence into your marketing strategy is that you can automate specific tasks and business operations and provide detailed customer data much quicker and more effectively than

Too Many Callouts Keep in mind that often, when designing packaging, less is more. Be sure not to crowd the front of your packaging with text. The more copy you have on the front of your packaging, the higher chance your consumer will not resonate with your messaging and walk

Rise of Influencer Authenticity Transparent Partnerships: Consumers are smart and know when an influencer is not being honest. Influencer marketing is turning toward focusing on genuine collaborations with influencers. Genuine Storytelling: Instead of pushing out product information, influencers are beginning to lean toward storytelling as a means of promotion. Long-Term

1. Establish Smart Goals To be successful in your B2B social media campaign, it is crucial that you set goals and objectives before getting started. First, clearly define measurable goals for your campaign. Some examples of these goals include specific KPIs, follower count, and link clicks. Once you determine your

Stay Updated with Industry Trends It is important to know what the current trends are in the world of web design. You want to do your best to stay ahead of the curve to position your business as advanced and innovative. By understanding the trends that come and go in

Is Your Font Easy to Read? Choosing a legible font is crucial when designing your product packaging. Unfortunately, many people select fonts that look good without thinking about how easy it would be to read on the packaging. Be sure to keep your target audience at the forefront of your

Learn more about our packaging design services HERE! Understand the Product Before beginning the design process, consider creating a list of all important details that must be included in the packaging. It is important to decide early what information consumers need to see and what is unimportant. Some examples of

1. Clear Navigation The navigation on your website must be clear and easy to understand. Be intentional with your UX design, and consider the journey you want your consumers to take through the website. All your navigation should be simple with a structure that makes sense; keep it simple. Search

The Meaning of Colors in Branding Red Typically, consumers associate the color red with energy, power, and passion. Blue In most cases, the color blue is used to convey a sense of trust, security, and reliability for the brand. Green Health and growth are two of the main associations with